Top 10 most developed countries in Africa

Africa is beautiful. Africa is rich natural resources and tourist centers and reserve. Though, most African countries today are referred to as either developing or under developed countries, there are African countries that have attained a certain height of development. will will highlight top 10 developed countries in Africa according to Human Development Index(HDI)

10. Nigeria

Nigeria is a country in Western region of Africa with its capital at Abuja. Nigeria is a multi ethnic country with an estimated population of 170 million and total GDP of $1.16 trillion. Nigeria is ranked the 10th most developed country in Africa

9. Kenya

Kenya is located in the Eastern part of Africa with its capital in Nairobi. Kenya is a multi ethnic country with an estimated population of 49million and a total GDP of $175 billion as at 2017. Kenya is the 9th most developed country in Africa

8. Botswana

Botswana is located in the southern region of Africa with its capital at Ouagadougou. Botswana population of 2.2million is dominated by the Twana ethnic group. Botswana has a total GDP of $41billion and is ranked the 8th most developed country in Africa

7. Libya

Libya is located in the Northern region of Africa with its capital in Tripoli. Libya has a population of 7.2million with most of them being Muslims. The oil rich country as at 2018 has a GDP of $70billion and is ranked the 7th developed country in Africa.

6. Tunisia

Tunisia is located in the Northern region of Africa with its capital in Tunis. Tunisia is comprised mainly of four ethnic groups Berbers 20%
Europe 43%,Arabs4%, Central africans 2% and Middle East 30%. Tunisia has an estimated population of 11million as at 2016. Tunisia has a GDP of $41billion.

5. Algeria

Algeria is located in the Northern part of Africa with its capital at Algiers. The country with a population of 42 milliom dominated with Arabians making up to 99% of the population. The country has a GDP of $666 billion and is the 5th most developed country in Africa

4. Egypt

Egypt is in the Northern part of Africa with its capital in Cairo. It is the center of modern civilization as well as has the longest river in Africa. Egypt has an estimated population of 100million and a total GDP of $1.39 trillion.

3. Mauritius

Mauritius is located in the Island of Indian ocean with its capital at Port Louis. With a population of 1.2million Mauritius has no official language. Mauritius has a total GDP of $29billion.

2. Seychelles

Seychelles is located at the Island of Indian ocean off East Africa with its capital at Victoria. Seychelles has a population of 94,000 and GDP of $2.9 billion. Seychelles is the 2nd most developed country in Africa.

1. South Africa

South Africa is in the Southernmost part of Africa with its capital at Cape Town. It has a distinct ecosystem and a population of 57 million in 2018. South Africa has a total GDP of $795billion and is ranked the most developed country in Africa by HDI

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