Full list of NYSC Director Generals

The National Youth Service Corps was established in 1973 by the Nigerian Government. The scheme was established to foster unity among Nigerians from different tribes. 

NYSC has 15 objectives and they are

  1. To inculcate discipline in Nigerian youths by instilling in them a tradition of industry at work, and of patriotic and loyal service to Nigeria in any situation they may find themselves.
  2. To raise the moral tone of the Nigerian youths by giving them the opportunity to learn about higher ideals of national achievement, social and cultural improvement
  3. To develop in the Nigerian youths the attitudes of mind, acquired through shared experience and suitable training. which will make them more amenable to mobilisation in the national interest
  4. To enable Nigerian youths acquire the spirit of self reliance by encouraging them to develop skills for self employment
  5. To contribute to the accelerated growth of the national economy
  6. To develop common ties among the Nigerian youths and promote national unity and integration
  7. To remove prejudices, eliminate ignorance and confirm at first hand the many similarities among Nigerians of all ethnic groups
  8. To develop a sense of corporate existence and common destiny of the people of Nigeria.
  9. The equitable distribution of members of the service corps and the effective utilisation of their skills in area of national needs
  10. That as far as possible, youths are assigned to jobs in States other than their States of origin
  11. That such group of youths assigned to work together is as representative of Nigeria as far as possible
  12. That the Nigerian youths are exposed to the modes of living of the people in different parts of Nigeria
  13. That the Nigerian youths are encouraged to eschew religious intolerance by accommodating religious differences
  14. That members of the service corps are encouraged to seek at the end of their one year national service, career employment all over Nigeria, thus promoting the free movement of labour
  15. That employers are induced partly through their experience with members of the service corps to employ more readily and on a permanent basis, qualified Nigerians, irrespective of their States of origin

This far since the establishment of NYSC, the scheme has had 19 Director Generals following the recent appointment ofBrigadier General Mohammed Fada. Below are a list of NYSC DG from 1973 till date

  1. Col. Almadu Ali 1973 – 1975
  2. Col. S.K. Omojokun 1975 – 1979
  3. Col. P.K. Obasa 1979 – 1983
  4. Col. E.A. Akpan 1983 – 1987
  5. Col. A. Braimoh 1988 – 1990
  6. Brig. General H.B. Momoh 1990 – 1994
  7. Brig. General S.A. Sofoluwe 1994 – 1996
  8. Brig. General S.M. Dule 1996 – 2000
  9. Brig. General Ogunkoya 2000 – 2002
  10. Rev. P.O. Okunromade Jan – March 2002
  11. Police Comm. S.I. Ewokan 2002
  12. Brig. General W. Oki 2002 – 2004
  13. Brig. General Yusuf Bomol 2004 – 2010
  14. Brig. General M.I. Tsiga 2010 – 2012
  15. Brig. General N.T. Okorie Afia 2012 – 2014
  16. Brig. Gen. Johnson Olawumi 2014 – 2016
  17. Brigadier General S.Z. Kazaure 2016 – 2019
  18. Brig Gen Shaibu Ibrahim 2019 – 2022
  19. Brigadier General Mohammed Fada – May 2022-November 2022
  20. Mrs. Christy Uba – November 2022 – till date

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