Steve Jobs Biography 2023

Steve Jobs (1955-2011) was an American businessman who founded Apple. He created the “Macintosh”, the “iPod”, the “iPhone” and the “iPad”. Apple revolutionized the personal computer industry, animated movies, music and cell phones.
childhood and training (Steve Jobs Biography 2023)
Steve Paul Jobs (1955-2011) was born in San Francisco, California, on February 24, 1955. Son of Syrian Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schieble, he was adopted by Paul Jobs, mechanic and member of the Coast Guard and accountant Carla Jobs . The family live in Mountain Views, California, within the area of that would later become known as Silicon Valley. As a child, he saw his father assemble and disassemble electronic devices in the family garage.
After the basics of course, Jobs attended Homestead High School between 1968 and 1972. At that time, he met Steve Wozniak (1950), who was studying at the University of California, Berkley and was a specialist in making programs and integrated circuits.
After completing high school, Jobes enrolled at Reed College. After six months he left the course, but continued to attend college, as a listener, in calligraphy classes, which he later highlighted as important for his training.
First job (Steve Jobs Biography 2023)
In 1974, Steve Jobs worked as a video game designer at Atari. After several months. Steve left the company & travel to India in search of spiritual enrichment.
Creation of Apple
In 1976, Jobs and Wozniak set up a computer “factory” in the garage of Jobs’ family home in California. In 1976, the “Apple I” computer was launched, the first personal computer, sold already assembled, which was just a motherboard covered with some chips and installed in a wooden box.
In 1977, the “Apple II” computer was introduced, which featured a mouse and an internal hard drive. Over the years, Jobs and Wozniak’s creations revolutionized the computer industry, making machines smaller and cheaper.
In January 1984, the “Macintosh” was launched, nicknamed the “beige toaster”, which got very hot, as it had no fan. Despite sales success and superior performance to IBM PCs, the Macintosh was not IBM compatible. Centralizing and explosive, that same year, Steve Jobs is removed from his own company, for diverging from sales tactics.
In 1986, Steve Jobs bought George Lucas’ animation company, which later became Pixar Animation Studios. After investing $50 million in the company, he went on to produce movies like Toy Story and Finding Nemo. In 2006, the studio merged with Walt Disney Studios.
After leaving Apple, Steve Jobes created NEXT, a software development company. After ten years, the company was bought by Apple.
Return to Apple (Roman Reigns Biography 2023)
In 1997, Steve Jobs returned as Apple’s CEO and began the process of revitalizing the company. With a new administrative team, Apple launched revolutionary products, such as the “iPod”, launched in 2001, forcing the music industry to reinvent itself.
In 2007, the “iPhone” is launched, a cell phone with the command made with the fingers on the digital screen, with internet access and ease in creating applications. In 2009, the “Netbook” handheld computer was launched, small and with easy access to the internet.
That same year, it launches the iPad, Apple’s new product. In June 2011, Steve Jobs announces “iCloud”, which would solve the file storage problem. Photos, music and applications will be stored in “clouds” which are powerful servers.
wife and children (Steve Jobs Biography 2023)
Steve Jobs and Laurene Powell were married on March 18, 1991. The couple had 3 children: Eve Jobs, Brin Siena Jobs and Reed Jobs. Steve is also the father of Lisa Brennan – Jobs, daughter of his relationship with girlfriend Chrisann Brennan, when he was just 23 years old.
Illness and death of Steve Jobs
In 2003, Steve Jobs was diagnosed with a rare cancer. Discovered early on, but Jobs refused to have the surgery and opted for alternative treatments. For nine months he postponed surgery, which was not performed until 2004, to remove a tumor in the pancreas.
In 2009, his health was fragile, Jobs had lost a lot of kilos. In an email sent to employees, Jobs revealed, “Health problems are more complex than previously thought.” That same year, he named Tim Cook Apple’s chief operating officer. In January 2011, he announced that he was going on sick leave. In August he resigned as CEO and in October he passed away.
Apple Inc. is located in Cupertino, one of the cities that form Silicon Valley in California. Apple’s slogan is “Think Different”. Several of Steve’s quotes became famous, including “The journey is the reward”, “It’s better to be a pirate than join the Navy”.
Steve Jobs died in the Palo Alto, California, United States, on October 5, 2011.
Find out what were the most memorable moments in the life of Steve Jobs.
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