Top 10 most lucrative business for students in Nigeria

Nigerian students today engage in various businesses so as to survive while in school. Some however are confused on the type of business to venture into and still have time for their studies. Thr good thing about running a business as a student is that it gives you direction and most times you don’t worry about the problem of unemployment faced by most Nigerian graduates today. Here are the top ten most lucrative business for Nigerian students

1. Shoe and bag making

Today in Nigeria, the government are proper gating that made in Nigerian footwears and bags be patronized by Nigerians. Engaging in shoe and bag making is one of the ideal business for Nigerian students. Aside the fact that it gives you extra cash, it gives you time to study and do other academic work. Shoe and bag making requires training on the skill of your choice.

2. Tailoring

As a tailor you have your fellow students and lecturers as your first customers. The good thing about tailoring is that you must not rent a shop of your own because you can use your apartment in school. It requires basically your skill and sewing machine.

3. Blogging

Though underestimated by many is one of the most lucrative business a student can do. Blogging requires basically a laptop and data. To blog you must first of decide the niche for your blog. You can monetize your blog through ads providers like AdSense, mgid, content ads and so on. You can as well make money in blogging through sponsored posts and advertisements.

4. Painting

Painting is another lucrative business for Nigerian students today. Get yourself trained as painter an make money painting houses as a student. Print fliers and banners and paste at strategic positions you will be amazed at how much you will make painting houses.

5. Car Wash Business

Car wash business is another business that will add cash to a students pocket and as well avail him the opportunity to study. We have earlier written on how to start a car wash business . Start a car wash business today as a student and you will be amazed at how much you will make.

6. Retailing

With social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram you must not have a shop to be a retailer in Nigeria today. As a student you can buy goods where its cheaper and sell at a higher price with your social media accounts.

7. Taxi business

Most of the shuttles in Nigerian universities today are driven by students of those university. As a Nigerian student, you can get a car and run a taxi business and make money as a student.

8. Saloon business

Whether hair dressing, barbing saloon or fixing of nails, saloon business is another lucrative business for a student. You must not rent a shop, you can use your apartment in school as meeting point for you and your customers and rent a shop when you have enough money for that.

9. Bead making

Bead making could be done from anywhere. With the advent of social media, you can make your bids and put them on display on your social media accounts for your potential customers.

10. Cosmetology 

Most make up artist today are students. Get a training on cosmetology and make a lot of money as a student. The good thing about this business is that it gives you time to study.

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