Being a student is not cheap and isn’t a job either because being a student needs for you to have somecash in order to survive and sustain the period of studentship.
You as a student needs to pay for books and handouts, make photocopies, pay for transportation, accommodation and feeding as well as a whole lot of other expenses and all these some cash for you to sort them out.
Knowing the fact that most Nigerian parents struggle and are within the middle and low income bracket earners and may not be able to cater for everything that their child/children in school will need to survive but rather than you as a student to be involved in practices that will end up jeopardizing your future, why not look for a side business that you can do to help out with your finances in school;one that would not interfere with your academics but would provide you with a lot of extra money to take care of your needs in school and even save something for when you graduate.
Here is a list of great and awesome businesses that you can consider doing while in school;
1. Tutoring:
You can start with offering tutoring services for a fee either to your fellow students or to kids whose parents work full-time and may require the help of a tutor to help their kids with their homeworks and difficult subjects at school . You can also become an online tutor, all you have to do is search for websites that need one and register with them.
2. Graphic design :
Graphic design is huge right now especially because of the high percentage of people creating new websites, launching and organizing different events and new businesses. As a graphic designer, you can create banners, logos, flyers, posters and other similar materials for these websites, events and business for a fee
3. Freelance writing:
You can also become a freelance writer and you can find a lot of freelance writings jobs websites like freelancer ,fivver,upwork and co
4. Blogging:
If there is any topic or course that you are passionate and interested about and you would like to share such topic to the public in order to educate, entertain and inform them more about it, you can start blogging about such topic or niche and this can fetch you some cool money.
5. Hairdressing:
As for the female students, you can start-up a hairdressing business whereby you make your fellow female students hair and charge them a token for it. You can easily do this on weekends in order to avoid unnecessary interference in your studies
6. Sewing:
You can also make money from helping other students to sew and mend their clothes.
7. Web design:
You can also become a web designer, although you may need to spend sometime learning the skill but as soon as you grasp the skill, you are good to go with designing websites for individuals,organisation and businesses.